Bonnierförlagen streamlines contracts, rights and royalties
Bonnierförlagen increases efficiency by 30% streamlining contracts, rights and royalties
Bonnierförlagen streamlines contracts, rights and royalties with Schilling
Sweden’s largest publisher, Bonnierförlagen, is constantly staying ahead ofthe competition in the publishing industry. Bonnierförlagen is proactive and always seeking new ways to improve their business processes and has, together with Schilling, successfully streamlined their processes for contracts, rights and royalty.
Bonnierförlagen and Schilling have had a close business relationship for the past 17 years. Bonnierförlagen is using a full Schilling publishing/ERP solution and they have played avital role in the development of Schilling’s solution for management of contracts, rightsand royalties (CRR) that Schilling offers to all other publishers as well. For Bonnierförlagen it was important to be part of the creation of a CRR solution that supports and grows in pace with their needs, continuously ensures the most efficient solution both in terms of value and cost, and provides a complete overview of their rights.
We constantly work at improving our internal processes. When handling complex process-es including author contracts, rights and royalties, we know how important it is to have a well-functioning and fully integrated IT system to support these processes. The return on investment so far, looking at how our processes have been improved, has been highly satisfactory. We estimate that the project as a whole has given an increase in efficiency of 30%, and our guess is that the Schilling system accounts for half of the impact”, says Anders Vendelvik, CIO at Bonnierförlagen.
Bonnierförlagen has for many years been a valued customer of Schilling. Our relationswith Bonnierförlagen are very important to us. We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have a customer like Bonnierförlagen helping us develop a standard state-of-the-art so-lution for contracts, rights and royalties that controls all your assets and mitigates risks”,says Kent Valentin Fallesen, VP of Sales at Schilling, and continues: “We look forward toworking with Bonnierförlagen to see the positive impact that new products and furtherstandardisation will have on their operations and performance.
About Bonnierförlagen:
Bonnierförlagen is Sweden’s biggest publishing group comprised of a large number of publishing houses spanning a broad range of all genres. The publishing houses are 2244, Albert Bonniers Förlag, Bokförlaget Forum, Bokförlaget Max Ström, Bonnier Audio, Bonnier Carlsen, Bonnier Fakta, Reseförlaget, Bonnier Pocket, Kartago, Mix Publishing, Månpocket (70%), Rebus, and Wahlström & Widstrand. Bonnierförlagen also runs a major book club business which includes Bonniers Bokklubb, Bokklubben Svalan, Spänningszonen, Lyssnarklubben, and Månadens bok (70%). Bonnierförlagen, which employs about 250 people, also includes Bonnier Rights and Bonnier Brands.
About Schilling:
Schilling has worked with publishers for more than 20 years. 96% of Schilling’s customerswould recommend Schilling to other publishers. Schilling specialises in software solutions that support best practice business processes for publishing activities, including modules for optimising publishing lifecycle management (PLM), contracts, rights and royalty manage- ment (CRR), and author relations – solutions that provide business insight and agility and have a proven return on investment between 12 to 18 months.
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